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About Oh Em G!


Ever since I can remember I have enjoyed doing anything that has had a creative element to it. From drawing and painting to being a hairstylist, learning myself to crochet (with a little help from a hooky friend) and finding a huge love for landscape photography. Anything that gives me freedom to express myself or create something new gives me a huge sense of happiness and well-being. When you feel like this I think you're able to find potential in anything! When I decided to have a go at repainting and reupholstering my old dining chairs I discovered an absolute love for it! It was something for me but also something I wanted to share with others, to open up possibilities to anyone who might appreciate the end product though maybe not so much the creating part. After all, everyone is different. 


So here I am, offering furniture a second chance and you the  opportunity to own something unique. With the world's waste ever increasing I feel if we can all do our bit then this craft of  furniture renovation, repainting, repurposing, upcycling and repairing is a also a small contribution to doing our bit for the environment.


Creating something beautiful and bespoke, giving new life to furniture, appreciating original craftsmanship, enhancing it, saving it from being destroyed or ending up in the landfill makes for a happy Oh Em G!  


From chairs to drinks cabinets, there are endless creative possibilities. So enjoy browsing and I hope you feel inspired enough to want to either purchase a lovingly revived piece of my work, commission something I have pending or maybe something you already own that you feel needs a new lease of life.


Thank you for reading, Emma x

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